
Wednesday 6 July 2016

Reading comprehension No.4

Screenshot 2016-07-01 at 11.33.30 AM.png

  1. The excretory system is very important to your body and only has a few parts. In a similar way to removing solid waste from your body, you must also get rid of fluids. You know the results of the excretory system as urine. Urine is the result of the excretory system balancing the amount of water and salts in your body.

  1. Because you could die from a heat stroke.

  1. Your liver filters the nitrogen out of your blood, changing it into urea. Without your liver,you could die of nitrogen poisoning.
  2. If you're drinking a lot of water, your blood will have more water in it. Your kidneys can tell. They send only the right amount of water back into blood. The small portion of liquid that remains behind becomes urine.
  3. If wastes build up in your blood and cells, your body becomes toxic and deadly.

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