
Thursday 7 July 2016

Persuasive writing 2016

Cell phones are the number one thing that people should not bring to school. Many students have cell phones these days. You would often see teenagers talking on their cell phones or just as often texting. It has become a part of the everyday life and a part of society.  Many teenagers and pre teenagers get cell phones as early as possible, sometimes younger than 12. So here are my reasons why we should not bring our cell phones to school.

Cell phones should not be at school because, of the distractions from the ringtones that you get from a text message or even a phone call. It will be very rude if your phone rings during an exam or even if the teacher is talking, because first of all you are not paying attention and second of all you will lose your concentration on the exam.

We shouldn’t have cell phones in class because if we were to lose our cell phones, it wouldn’t be the teacher's responsibility because it was our fault on, bringing it to school in the first place. Even though you try and ring it, It won't help because you will need like someone in all the rooms that you remember you were in, so it should stay home.

Cell phones are not to be at school because , you might say,“ I need to call my family, something came up and I have to.” What’s the point of bringing your phone when you can just ask Ms Mary in the reception , and ask for the reception’s phone. It’s not that hard.

So to sum it all up, There is an absolute 90% of children in the class that will not pay attention to the teacher ,because the children will more likely want to do their own things on the cellphones. So I recommend you to leave your cellphones at home because it might get stolen. SO LEAVE IT AT HOME!!!!

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Reading comprehension No.4

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  1. The excretory system is very important to your body and only has a few parts. In a similar way to removing solid waste from your body, you must also get rid of fluids. You know the results of the excretory system as urine. Urine is the result of the excretory system balancing the amount of water and salts in your body.

  1. Because you could die from a heat stroke.

  1. Your liver filters the nitrogen out of your blood, changing it into urea. Without your liver,you could die of nitrogen poisoning.
  2. If you're drinking a lot of water, your blood will have more water in it. Your kidneys can tell. They send only the right amount of water back into blood. The small portion of liquid that remains behind becomes urine.
  3. If wastes build up in your blood and cells, your body becomes toxic and deadly.

Sunday 3 July 2016

Reading comprehension No.3

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  1. Bone cells combine with other bone cells to created the bone tissues.

  1. An organ is a group of tissues that work together to do a certain job, for the body. Some of the human body's organs include the stomach,lungs, heart, kidneys, brain and liver.

  1. Respiratory and circulatory system.

  1. Respiratory system. The human respiratory system is a series of organs responsible for taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide. The primary organs of the respiratory system are lungs, which carry out this exchange of gases as we breathe.

  1. The respiratory includes the lungs and all the body parts that allow us to breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. The circulatory system includes the heart and all the body parts that help move around the blood around the body.

Saturday 2 July 2016

Reading comprehension No.2

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  1. They help us fight diseases.
  2. They are the largest blood vessels. They both carry carbon dioxide.
  3. Oxygen and carbon dioxide
  4. The main idea in this passage is all about the blood vessels and hearts, also it tells us the function of it on how it works.
  5. Hemoglobin is found in disc-shaped cells called red blood cells

Friday 1 July 2016

Reading comprehension No.1

  1. Circulatory system takes care of our breathing
  2. Lungs, nose, mouth, air
  3. They diffuse oxygen into the blood and receive carbon dioxide.
  4. When you exhale
  5. Your diaphragm, a large muscle under your lungs, pulls down. This gives plenty of room so you can get their air you need.