
Friday 30 October 2015

Maths week 3

For maths this week we have been doing geometry. We were all learning about 3D and 2D shapes. We had to draw lots of different shapes such as cone, cylinder, cube and triangular prism. It looks like this

 We first did a straight line pattern which we had to draw any straight lines across the rectangle. It ended up looking that this but it was fun.

Friday 14 August 2015

Around the world

This week in Topic we have been researching the Rugby World Cup. We have been learning about  England which  is where it is held. Mrs Barry had us draw out our countries for Pool A and B. So far my countries are Australia,South Africa and England. Everyone in Room 12 has study England because it is the main country we are focusing on. So we will draw out Pool C and D after we have finished Pool A and B.

Friday 24 July 2015


This week my group have been working in our math books . Mrs Barry gave us a worksheet to do in maths. On the worksheet we have been learning that problems like 34+ ?  = 51 and 51-34=?  have the same answer. If we needed help we just needed to ask our teacher Mrs Barry. But the main reason is the worksheet was challenging for me but I had asked my buddy Maia for some help. Before we worked on the sheet we needed to understand more about the strategies so we worked together on the interactive whiteboard until we understood, and then we can work independently.

Friday 3 July 2015

Maths 3 july 2015

For today in maths room 12 have been going over our basic facts tests. But the stage 7 have been on a website that is called Also we were working over Stage 7 some of the question were easy because it was multiplication, division, factors, square roots and power of. So next time I would want to try out stage 8.


Friday 12 June 2015

Trapped in the Jungle

For writing we have been doing a narrative about how we got lost in the jungle or desert. So far we have been doing this for one week. But first we had to do a word bank and then after that we had to choose the three strongest words and use each of them in one full sentence. After we have done that we had to write a whole story about it in our book. My friends gave me positive feedback on my writing and they enjoyed it.

Friday 22 May 2015

Trying Times

In group 3 for maths today. I have been doing a figure it out book I have finished that so I have moved on to the Basic facts 3-4 book. I am doing trying times. It is about a teacher that was challenging his children on their 15 times tables. Some of them have different/difficult ways on how to do the equations. On the first question I had to do 4 equations about my 15 times tables and I have done all of it.

Friday 15 May 2015

All in a day's work

In class for reading I have been reading All in a day's work. It is about a girl delivering some newspapers on Craig Street. Also she was scared to step foot in a creepy house to deliver a newspaper because the people that lived there covered the windows, had lots of locks on the door and a rusty roof.

Friday 8 May 2015

Chemical Reaction

 In topic I have been learning about chemical reactions. So far we have been watching a couple of videos on Dr Bill Nye on YouTube about chemical reactions. But mostly we were focusing on our KWL chart for chemical reactions and at the bottom of the chart we wrote a paragraph on what causes a chemical reactions.

For example
For today we have been learning all about chemical reactions.Chemical reactions are like 2 or more molecules that interact and it will change. If you were to put oxygen and hydrogen it would be a chemical reaction.Did you know if you pour milk into a glass and put drops of color then put soap into it and  that would make a chemical reaction because it changes the colors.

Learning my Place value week 3

In this game I was learning my place value, it was easy because I know my place value. I went up to level 3 and my score was 108. I could have gone up to level 4 but instead of one person defending there were 2 so it got harder and harder. So next time I want to get passed level 3 and get a new high score.

Friday 1 May 2015

What a view Week 2

What a View!

What a view is a level 3 strategy book that lets you use the most knowledge you can think of. This figure it out book taught me how to use a lot more than one strategy for one question.The next thing that I would like to learn is to use square roots in maths equations.

The strategie
What strategy I've worked on?
Ill give an example on one equation I have used.
13 x 17 = 221
(10 x 10 =100
10 x 3 =30
10 x 7 =70
3 x 7 =21   )
And my other strategy i've used is here.
13 x 17 = 221

I have been learning many more examples for this term, for advanced learning, I would like to learn about coordinates.

Friday 20 March 2015

figure it out

Screenshot 2015-03-20 at 9.31.02 AM.png

For maths I had a figure it out book and we had to go on page 22. So we had to do high powered thinking and it was about a building that had 26 offices and we had to count how many windows there were.So what I did was this. 26x10= 260 so I +160 with the 260 to get 420 and that was my answer. Next time I would like to learn about human pyramids because it seems fun. But I found it easy because I knew that my 10 times tables and knew you just had to put a zero at the end.